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Archive only???

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

Re: Archive only???

Postby Doug Reid » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:03 am

Did you see that thread on top of the HDR forum from the new mod telling us how we should act ? That's really cute, considering we have the most civilized group on the planet, even after taking our bickering into consideration. I think we should stay here and forget that other place. It's much nicer here, plus Petersueco can control the forum if it takes a turn toward the dark side.
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Re: Archive only???

Postby anyhorizon » Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:25 am

Mike Rivers wrote:
Crash wrote:Those rat bastards!!!! It is lovely over here though..... How fitting it is that I get in the last word on the d8b side...Ha!!!

And the last post in the HDR forum was from my old buddy ("I'm not rolandsmac") AGN pimping his gear for sale.

He did get in on the fun over in the d8b forum, too, in a discussion about constructing a MIDI breakout cable. The guy wanted to make a cable but with male connectors on the ends rather than females (I made one like that, too) and was asking if the pins were reversed from the diagram because of the different gender. I told him that the pin numbers were the same and that he should look at the numbers molded into the plastic insulator on the connector. AGN went off about how I was advising him to read the tiny numbers when my eyes were so bad that I couldn't see the display on my HDR.

You've lost it, Mike.

It was 'Mr UK User' who asked the question about the male connectors re the MIDI breakout cable and it was the HDR forum where the BS took place. There was no reply to the duplicate question on the d8b forum. You're just as bad as Roland or AGN or whoever. You can never let it go. You've always gotta have the last say. I've never seen you say "Sorry, I made a mistake" but you've made plenty. Now both forums are fucked. Take stock. Thanks a lot.

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Re: Archive only???

Postby Mike Rivers » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:11 pm

Doug Reid wrote:Did you see that thread on top of the HDR forum from the new mod telling us how we should act ? That's really cute, considering we have the most civilized group on the planet, even after taking our bickering into consideration.

Actually, Tom's been there (at least at Mackie) for quite some time. but the forum rarely has any real moderation, and practically no participation (with real "official" answers) from Tech Support. I'm pretty sure they keep away from participating so that they don't get sucked into a huge time sink answering questions on the forum that takes them away from telephone time.

I was going to call him when I saw that post, because I got the feeling that I was the one who prompted it, because of the "it's OK to propose alternate solutions and ideas" tone of that post. That "Forum Etiquette" posting made me look like the bad guy for getting kind of testy when, instead of a part number, I got suggestions to put the recorder where I could see it. Of course I would have done so if it was practical given the situation. Sometimes I give practical/obvious advice like that myself, but I always ask why the obvious wouldn't work. Sometimes the poster has a good answer, sometimes it's just a DUH!!! moment.

Anyway, I don't think I was the bad guy, but if I caused the forum to be shut down, sorry. But maybe it was time anyway. I got an e-mail message from an HDR user last week (I get a lot - I guess I'm not that hard to find) saying he had called Mackie Tech Support about his Error 43 or something and was told that they no longer provide support for the recorders.
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Re: Archive only???

Postby Mike Rivers » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:27 pm

anyhorizon wrote:You're just as bad as Roland or AGN or whoever. You can never let it go. You've always gotta have the last say.

No argument there. I hate to leave readers with the wrong impression, whether it's technical or personal.
I've never seen you say "Sorry, I made a mistake"

I did, recently, but it was on a different forum. Sorry you weren't there.

Will you please kick me off now, so I can have time for a second cup of coffee in the morning without laughing and spewing it all over my monitor?
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Re: Archive only???

Postby Doug Reid » Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:40 pm

If Mackie no longer supports the HDR/MDR or D8B, it seems logical to KEEP the forum to help users, not shut it down. We've had much worse bickering in the past that should had prompted the moderators to take action, IMO.

Like i said, I like it here !
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Re: Archive only???

Postby garrett21allen » Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:51 pm

Hi to you all

well I gess mackie can't get anymore money out of us. so that kicked us to the curb.
I could be wrong but I don't thank if was because the little arguing going on in the hdr forum.
just go to most other forums and you will see arguing and cursing going on and a lot of talking junk
but thay don't shut them down. could it be becaus mackie is trying to make room for there new products
there comming out with.

it was sad when mackie let us down on both the d8b/hdr with all the promisis thay mad to us about how you could keep upgrading then thay took them both off the market and left us in the cold. but most of us got over it and still held on to the d8b or hdr. so now there going to let us down again by taking the forum away from us. this tells me thay do not care about the problems you might have now after you has spent your hard earnd money on there product. so how doe's one go about getting help with there d8b/hdr when in need of it. I can see why steve/john and all the others got out or went with something up to date. there is no support for the d8b/hdr anymore.

one thing I will say. everyone on the forum has been good to me. and I hope that we all can stay in touch with each
other. because without all your help my d8b/hdr is no good to me anymore. I am very happy that peter H got this forum up when he did we all owe him a big thanks. and I hope I can get the help on this forum as I did the other one.
and Im glade to be on this forum because I know the same people will be on this one that was on the other one. so that alone will still make this forum the best forum on the planet. because its still the same good people.

mackie did indeed let us all down after thay got our money.

thanks again peter for giving us a place to come to.

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Re: Archive only???

Postby anyhorizon » Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:07 am

Mike Rivers wrote:
anyhorizon wrote:I've never seen you say "Sorry, I made a mistake"

I did, recently, but it was on a different forum. Sorry you weren't there.

Me too.


If you'd have refrained from answering the silly dude every time he uttered his silliness, he couldn't have kept coming back with more venom and the undeserved attention afforded the two forums by the mods would not have occurred. He reported you and I imagine it must have been a fairly lengthy tirade including that he was attempting to have you banned. So what happens? We all lose out. Geez, man, sometimes you just have to let it go.

BTW, if you have access to Tom, why don't you call him and set the record straight?

Sorry 'bout your monitor. It was probably due for a clean anyway.

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Re: Archive only???

Postby Mike Rivers » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:18 am

anyhorizon wrote:If you'd have refrained from answering the silly dude every time he uttered his silliness, he couldn't have kept coming back with more venom

Sorry, I just can't do that. I tried ignoring him many times, but he just kept disagreeing with my posts and insulting me. I don't like to be insulted in public, and I don't like be offer up good information only to have someone come out of the blue and say that I'm wrong, when it's he who's wrong. He does the same thing on other forums, to me, and to others. Someone from the PreSonus forum told me the name for the mental illness that describes that condition. Apparently it's recognized by the shrink trade.

The Mackie forum policy states that the moderators won't get involved unless it's to clear up incorrect information being presented in the forum. But I've never seen them do that. Where were they when we had a disagreement? One of us must have been right and the other must have been wrong. But the issues of correctness may have been obscured because when I gave a clear explanation of why what he said was incorrect, he just spouted off about something unrelated. It's really frustrating, but it was kind of fun, too, to see what he'd come up with next.
He reported you and I imagine it must have been a fairly lengthy tirade including that he was attempting to have you banned.

Do you really believe that he "reported" me? And if he did, do you think Mackie would actually believe it? Every time I talk to one of the Mackie folks, they always thank me kindly for all of the help I've been on the forum. Surely they wouldn't ban me based on one complaint. On the other hand, maybe he wrote a letter to the board of directors, or called the CEO. Those are all new people, I don't know any of them, and they don't know me. Maybe Rodney (CEO) said "Hey, that forum has been a burden for too long. Close it down and we won't get any more complaints" and nobody talked him out of it. I don't know. And frankly, at this point, I don't care. I was tired of all the bickering, but unfortunately it's not in my nature to just ignore the jabs.
BTW, if you have access to Tom, why don't you call him and set the record straight?

I suppose I could try to hunt him up, but I doubt that closing the forum was the work of a single person. It didn't sound like his "etiquette" post was saying goodbye. He indicated that he was interested in the outcome of my experiment. And I think it was a good idea to delete the irrelevant posts (though if I was moderator, I would have edited them, leaving in the relevant parts, rather than deleting them entirely).

I don't think that closing down the forum was a spur-of-the moment decision. Woody told me two years ago that they were planning to shut down the forum soon, and what better time to do it than a holiday weekend? The d8b and HDR are both discontinued products. They don't have any more parts for them. The current batch of support techs have no experience with them. I hear that they're in pretty bad money troubles, and they may be looking to cut corners wherever they can. Maybe they were able to let someone go because there are now two fewer forums to "monitor."

It could have just been time. But it would have been nicer if a message were delivered with it. And if there's fear that my presence here will jeopardize this forum's existence, just say the word and I'm gone. I can't be insulted if I'm not here.
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Re: Archive only???

Postby anyhorizon » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:29 am

Mike Rivers wrote:Do you really believe that he "reported" me?

That's what he said but of course, that post has been deleted so can't be verified.

Whatever, if you can get to Tom, give it a go. csp was able to so I'm sure you can.

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Re: Archive only???

Postby Doug Reid » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:51 pm

I'm not certain the forums are shut down permanently.... maybe it's just a temporary threat. Either way, I'm not interested in going back there. Obviously, they could have deleted the threads before they got out of hand, or at least, sent warnings to the parties involved. I can't see how the HDR and D8B forums were costing them anything, since the mods were AWOL 99 percent of the time. If it were my company, I would keep the forums running as a PR tool.

I've spent a ton of money over the years on Mackie gear, but I guarantee that I will look elsewhere from now on.

Mike, I tried to get your attention on several ocassions to ask you to ignore Rolandsmac AKA AGN . You can say whatever you want about the being right issue, but IMO, you should have shown maturity and refrained from comment. Any person who engages in an argument with a known trouble maker is only making matters worse. He who gets in the last word is not the winner in every argument.
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