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New plug in licenses no longer issued?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:46 pm

I have one board that has all the plug in's unlocked and one with all but 2. I contacted Mackie to see about opening up those last 2 and was told that new plugin licenses where no longer available. Does that mean I'm sh$t out of luck or is there another option?



Re: New plug in licenses no longer issued?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:54 pm
by Crash
Maybe Bruce Graham can help. Look below from Bruce from the 5.1 cracked thread:

Hi RD;

What I have is the Autho codes to make the plugins work. All work with a few exception and those are no loss due to quality of the processor.

If you down load the files Peter posted you will need to get them onto floppies for the install. Once loaded type in the antho codes for 5.1 and each of the plug-in (again I have that file as an Excel file I will send you), and away you go.

Follow Peter's link to see the details of the installation.

Once you have 5.1 running you will have HUI, 24 channels I believe. There is another product call Pro-Box. I do not use it but there is another Tab in this forum that covers that. It has something to do with HUI (I think). Others can help you there.

If you have the Disks for 3.0 you will lose nothing if this doesn't work for you. You can go back to 3.0, but, I do not believe you will have HUI.

Hope that helps and best of luck. This Hack has given new life to our d8b and we have Ralph to thank for that.


Re: New plug in licenses no longer issued?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:23 am
by Bruce Graham
Hi Kevin;

As per the message that Crash has quoted, I may be able to assist.

Send me a PM when you ready or if you have other questions.

Hope I can help.
