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D8Bridge 1.5-2.0 Status?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:41 pm
by Axeman098
Hey Marc, hadn't seen anything from you since mid November. Hope your holiday season was a good one! Was hoping to just get a status update on the newer version/s and the HUI development? I am hoping to purchase within the next 60-90 days (waitin on the ol' tax check). Hoping to finally get my D8B working with Sonar X2!!! WOOHOO!!!

I also wanted to ask about the upgrade options using Linux. You have said Linux would allow for more hardware upgrade options. This would work well for me, as I have no desire to use the actual Mackie software, but I am curious as to what, if any, limitations would be imposed. Can you replace the Motherboard and chip with anything??? This would be a wonderful option with D8Bridge, but how exactly would this work? Also, how goes the research with the Audio I/O???

Re: D8Bridge 1.5-2.0 Status?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:51 pm
by Axeman098
Still looking for some sort of update on D8Bridge development.....I would feel more comfortable purchasing knowing what's going on with it.

Re: D8Bridge 1.5-2.0 Status?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:47 am
by Axeman098
wow....crickets chirping.... :(